Who Can Claim an Education Credit? There are additional rules for each credit, but you must meet all three of the following for either credit: You, your dependent or a third party pays qualified education expenses for higher education. An eligible student must be enrolled at an eligible educational institution. The eligible student is yourself,… Read More
IR-2016-148, Nov. 15, 2016 WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service has opened the new registration and enrollment process for qualified taxpayers to receive the benefit of the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) on an advance monthly basis during 2017. Eligible taxpayers can have 72.5 percent of their qualified health insurance premiums paid in advance directly… Read More
IR-2016-150, Nov. 16, 2016 Español WASHINGTON – As tax filing season approaches, the Internal Revenue Service is reminding taxpayers about steps they can take now to ensure smooth processing of their 2016 tax return and avoid a delay in getting their tax refund next year. The IRS reminds taxpayers to be sure they have all… Read More
IR-2016-143, Oct. 28, 2016 Español WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today reminded employers and small businesses of a new Jan. 31 filing deadline for Forms W-2. The IRS must also hold some refunds until Feb. 15. A new federal law, aimed at making it easier for the IRS to detect and prevent refund fraud,… Read More